Why Having A Hotel Blog is the Future of Digital Marketing

The future belongs to those who understand the tech-savvy generation — well at least try to. Where the hospitality industry is concerned — having a hotel blog is a must. Digital Marketing keeps us on our toes — but in today’s society not having a social media presence is a crime that you do not want to commit. I myself belong to the Millennial Generation, — yes the one that has been labeled as the lazy, impatient, tech-savvy and the disaster where job loyalty is concerned. In this post, I will not go deep into this topic on why the millennials are actually an awesome bunch —  but I do have to highlight that the millennials have experienced the age prior to when technology took over. We are actually lucky to have experienced both worlds. Today I want to talk to you about why having a hotel blog is the future of Digital Marketing. 

I have been there, having worked for Marketing departments of luxury hotel chains  — managing crazy marketing budgets that went on print, yes those glossy lifestyle magazines that eventually ended up in the dump (no offence to those of you who are still working hard on getting clients to buy the glossy spreads — it’s a hard job I know). But think about it, who carries those heavy magazines around anyway? Whenever I am at a trade show and someone hands me a brochure, my immediate thought is — poor trees. Switching to digital content is important, read further and you will understand why. 

Mr Marriott is Blogging and So Should You: Why Having A Hotel Blog is the Future of Digital Marketing

Hotel blogs are a wonderful way to get your message across to your potential customers and to let them know about all the fantastic things going on at your property and in your city. If you don’t have one, then you should have started one yesterday. 

Imagine how many hotels are in your area, just look around and think of your neighbours and competitors. So what will you do differently to convince your guests that they should stay with you instead? You have to think of added value and providing your potential guests with free information — just because you are awesome! 

Hotel blogs are especially beneficial to boutique hotels that have smaller budgets, but not only. Look at Bill Marriott, he blogs at Marriott on the Move! That must tell you something — when the owner of one of the leading hotel chains in the world considers hotel blogging an essential part of modern-day marketing. Mr. Marriott didn’t fall into hotels, he worked his way up and knows this business better than anybody. Learn from his example! 

If you read his introduction, he doesn’t know how to type so his posts are handwritten which are then typed up by his team. However, not knowing the technical aspects of blogging hasn’t stopped him from embracing the new means and implementing them into his corporate marketing strategy. 

If you don’t know how to blog, you can hire people like us to do the work for you! Just get in touch. 

If you don’t have a hotel blog, here is why you need one

A hotel blog will drive more organic traffic to your website if you work out the technical part of blogging which requires good knowledge of SEO and all the details on how Google evaluates and ranks content. That’s the tricky part — publishing content that is not only found by Google but is actually of value to your potential guests. 

It allows you to answer questions that your guests might have before visiting your property. These questions may be directly related to your hotel or most importantly to the city, town, island — where you are located. The destination plays a major role in the success of your business — for example what is there to do, what can a guest experience, visit in your city. Where can they dine for example? Or where should they shop? 

Who knows your city better than you? Start with the basics and share everything about your destination that makes it special. One of my favorite sayings in sharing is caring — which is so true, if you give your guests something little extra you are already establishing a relationship, even if it is an online one. 

Many hotels have nice rooms and decor — the world is full of hotels! The question is why should someone stay at your hotel? Because your hotel has a personality! Your hotel blog is the perfect outlet where you can share your business values and enhance your guests’ expectations. At the end of the day, we are still in the people business. Yes, technology might have stepped forward, but at the end of the day, you still have to deal with people. 

Want to be different? Implement blogging as part of your hotel marketing strategy 

Start thinking forward, your today’s customers may be clueless about social media and blogging but they have children and grandchildren who are your future customers. How many digital footprints you leave online determines how cool and modern your brand will be perceived by the new generations who are now dictating what the future will look like. In the end of the day you are just providing the beds. It’s the overall experience that matters! 

Don’t confuse Publishing Press Releases with Actual Blogging 

I’ve seen it over and over again, that shiny BLOG button on a hotel website only when you click on it — instead of finding properly structured blog posts you see published press releases instead. There is nothing wrong with Press Releases but they shouldn’t be considered blog posts. Please don’t confuse the two. Blog posts should address subjects like “The Top Things to Do in x city This November” or “Cool New Art Galleries to visit in x city” and so forth. 

Who Should Write Content for your Hotel Blog?

If you would like to keep your blog writing strategy in-house then the Marketing managers would be the first people you would turn to. However, no matter how great your hotel’s Marketing manager may be — sometimes it is almost impossible for them to tackle all the aspects of blogging — creative, graphics, photos, and technical knowledge. This is why it is easier and wiser to hire professional content creators who will work together with your Marketing team to create the perfect blogging strategy and content calendar — tailor-made to your hotel’s needs.

I hope that this post has inspired you to start your hotel blog. If you would like to start a conversation about hotel blogs, get in touch with us here or in the comments below. 

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